This is an interesting small city of about 22,000 inasmuch as it is built around and oriented towards the University and Medical Center and Seven Day Adventist Church with its "making man whole" concept. It certainly puts my situation into perspective when we see little kids in wheelchairs, bald heads, hooked up to IV's being trundled around the hospital with their parents in tow but with smiles on their faces. Also, LLUMC is the trauma center for Riverside and San Bernardino counties so ambulances and the medivac helicopter ("Mercy Air") are frequent sites and sounds. Another frequent sight and sound are the freight trains often more than 100+ cars in length and sometimes even double-decked with containers coming from the east and west it seems like every few minutes as this is the freight corridor between LA and the southeast.

Saturday we visited Palm Springs and the Indian Canyons just outside the city. The latter is actually the tribal land of the Agua Caliente Indians and boasts some unusual canyons among the arid cactus covered and rock strewn hillsides. At the bottom of these canyons are hundreds of fan palms where there's water and they look like an oasis from the top. I had a great run in 85 degrees heat and, as you can see, Marianne got some of her usual excellent photos depicting the scene.

Today I'll have my 15th treatment and, since Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, I'll have six more weeks of treatment! Happy Groundhog Day.

In case you want to see more photos you can check here
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